This electronic hobby project can be used If you want that the air pump should be controlled in order to work in daylight hours. This project is applied to control the artificial waterfall and also the wire should be added about the solder. In this electronic project, the hot air dryer is used for sink tubing because it needs water.
In this the two layers are used:
Then we try to test the light switch. The Costly light is blocked at LDR sensor then the pump of the artificial waterfall works well. In this project , we have to get 12 V CT or 24 VCT transform which has the DC volt voltage and also circuit using LM 7805.
All components are composited on perforated board. There should be a hole for AC outlet and the other part should be installed in the box. Further, all wire should be connected correctly and after that we will be able to test the project accurately.
How to test the project?
First of all the AC power should be applied to the circuit then lamp should be taken after that the shading to register then will be able to get the sign any kind of lights on photoresistor. We will be able to see the relay when the lamp will glow.
Conclusion about light sensor circuit switch controlling artificial waterfall-:
In this electronic hobbies, light sensor are being used to sense the artificial waterfall. It is quite useful project which plays a significant role in controlling the unwanted activities with the help of switch. It working principle is easy to understand. We can follow whole the procedure in order to make this project.